The study was conducted from September 2017 to March 2018 and adolescent trainee athletes of different sports departments such as cricket, football, volleyball, and others of BKSP were included. The current study was a cross-sectional study conducted at BKSP (Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Protisthan) among adolescent trainee athletes from the different disciplines of sports. Moreover, potential determinants of knowledge, attitude, and practice will be explored. This study aims to assess nutrition knowledge, attitude, and practices of young adolescent athletes and their interrelation. Therefore, the study was designed to find out gaps and areas of knowledge deficits before an intervention to put in place. Though the study suggests that short-term education on nutrition can enhance supplementation of knowledge. The effect of education on nutrition knowledge and attitude has also not been studied well. Īn adolescent from low-income communities lacks educational materials which result in insufficient knowledge of sports nutrition and supplementation to make health-conscious decisions. Therefore, adolescent athletes and their trainers are the appropriate target group for nutrition education as they have the potential for positive changes. This demonstrates the importance of proper nutrition knowledge and healthy dietary practices for adolescent athletes as well as for the coaches. Lack of proper training on diet and nutrition creates potential harm if the coaches and athletes are misinformed. Dependence on the internet search for proper diet and nutrition is growing, however, it's difficult to separate authentic information. Adolescent sports trainee often relies on their coaches for nutrition guidance despite gaining brief information from their regular textbooks.

Nutrition knowledge also influences attitude and eating behavior. However, several environmental factors (busy schedule, travel and food culture) also hinder athletes from getting the required dietary practices. Additionally, variation in culture, race, religion, economic status, and type of sport leads to variation in nutritional practices. To avoid illness, injury and to fuel properly in each step (before, during and after) of a sporting event, education on sports nutrition is necessary. Therefore, when nutrient intake is inadequate, it leads to poor athletic performance, and additional health problems. Energy requirements of adolescent sports trainees are generally high due to their increased physical activity, and body growth. The institute is fully residential and students are served food, medical treatment, and sports materials. Students at BKSP receive a general education (from school to university degree level) along with specialized sports training.

In the adolescent stage, energy requirement increases and varies based on gender and activity those higher demands are poorly met in adolescent athletes. Previously, only elite athletes were concerned regarding proper nutrition for their performance, however, concern about the importance of nutrition as an integral part of the training has been increased among most athletes.

Healthy dietary patterns and adequate nutrition are necessary for an adolescent's life, especially those who are involved in sports. Proper nutrient intake improves physical performance, on the other hand, nutrient deficiency consequences poor athletic performance. Nutritional status is one of the determinants of physical fitness and training of a sports person.